Holistic Medicine and Acupuncture
9 Professional Circle, Suite 212, Colts Neck,
NJ 07722, US
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A4M Membership

ABAARM Certification

FAARFM Fellowship

After practicing traditional pediatrics for ten years, I saw that our traditional health care alone was not helping our patients achieve true health. Our current health care focuses on eliminating the symptoms of the disease without eliminating the root of the problem. Many patients required more drugs just to treat side-effects of other drugs!

While we bragged about the length of our average life span, the true health of our nation went downhill. There were very few children with obesity and high cholesterol when I first started my practice 21 years ago. Now, many of my three-year-old patients suffer from high cholesterol, and many children under 10 were obese.
Ten years ago, I started practicing holistic medicine on myself, my family, and my friends with very good results. As I saw the benefits,   I gradually integrated holistic medicine into my traditional pediatric practice. It was a great success, and it brought fulfillment and joy into the way I practiced medicine.
I started my holistic program with a nutritional program, life-style changes, supplements and herbs. Five years ago, I went back to my cultural roots and rediscovered the amazing power of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, which completed my holistic program. 

You see, there is no one technique that can cure every person and every disease. Many complicated health conditions like ADHD, recurrent infections, hormonal imbalance, infertility, anxiety and depression need many different treatment techniques. With my MD background and extensive training in holistic medicine, I have been able to orchestrate multiple modalities to improve these difficult health issues.
So, I decided to open a brand new office, where I will set perfect healing environments for my patients. I will not book more than two or three patients per hour, so you can sit down in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss all your concerns. Welcome to the way the holistic medicine should be.

I am not here to replace your primary care doctor but to work with him or her as a holistic consultant. Together we will help you get true health!
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