Performance Medicine
9700 Kingston Pike , Knoxville,
TN 37922, US
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Membership and Certifications

A4M Membership

ABAARM Certification

FAARFM Fellowship


  Performance Medicine was formed in 2007 out of frustration with the current healthcare system by Dr. Tom Rogers MD, MBA. A family physician for 28 years in the east Tennessee area, Dr. Rogers made two decisions when he started Performance Medicine. The first decision was to not accept insurance and become a cash-only medical practice. He was tired of insurance companies determining what good care looked like, and the time that they took away from him and so many other doctors from seeing their patients. The second decision was to base his practice on preventative care and treating root causes instead of merely putting band aids on symptoms.

  Like many other doctors, he noticed this trend of continuing to write the same prescriptions for the same patients. And on top of this, THEY WEREN’T GETTING BETTER. Looking outside of the box, he realized that most of the diseases he was treating were preventable through lifestyle change. Through those two decisions, Performance Medicine became an integrative medical practice that uses time spent with each patient to see what is actually going on with their health. We figured out that if you listen to your patients, they will tell you how you can help them. We also figured out that feeling normal as you age is not normal at all. We don’t want you to feel normal, and neither should you.

  Optimal health is what we are after. To get each of our patients to optimal health we focus on four things:

  1. Exercise
  2. Nutrition
  3. Stress Management and Sleep
  4. Hormone balance

  Performance Medicine provides integrative healthcare services to help you feel well, look well and age well for every stage of life. With our experience and dedication to providing solid, safe treatment, we are able to guide you to the healthy lifestyle you need to prevent heart disease, cancer, hormone imbalance, fatigue, obesity and diabetes, PLUS we can also help you achieve a younger, healthier appearance.

  We base our practice on improving your health through Weight Management, Natural Hormone Restoration, Fitness/Nutrition, Stress and Sleep Management and Aesthetics. We help you make changes and improve behaviors that promote health and prevent and treat disease. Our programs and services will provide the education, support and treatment you need to FEEL young on the inside and LOOK healthy on the outside.

  Our physician-supervised programs help you lose weight, learn to eat properly, get better sleep and handle stress in healthier ways. We also make recommendations about vitamins, supplements, and medicines to take, and provide screening tests if needed.

  • Aesthetic Medical Treatment
  • Diagnostic Service/Laboratories
  • IV Therapy
  • Mesotherapy/Hormone Therapies
  • Weight Management
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