Fasting is the most ancient, inexpensive and powerful healing strategy known to mankind. This healing practice dates back to the beginnings of mankind, when our bodies were forced to adapt to times of famine and food scarcity on a regular basis, but the concept can sound daunting.

Today, more and more people are struggling with their weight, chronic pain, memory loss, digestive problems, cancer and autoimmune diseases.


Discuss fasting from biological necessity to cultural phenomenon

Review the ins and outs of fasting science, separating myths from facts

Explore the pre-clinical evidence for whole-body effects for fasting mimetics

Investigate the clinical applications of fasting mimetics

Review patient outcomes with periodic fasting and fasting mimetics


Thursday, April 28, 2022 - Diplomat BR 1-2

8:30 AM
Live Fasting Mimicking Technology Experiment (optional) - Non-CME
9:00 AM
The Evolution of Fasting: From Mice to Men
Osama Hamdy, MD, PhD
10:00 AM
Break for fasting glucose read
10:20 AM
Break to exhibit hall
10:30 AM
Fasting Mimicking Technology: Inspired by Nature, Developed by Science to Drive Patient Outcomes
Kurt Hong, MD, PhD
11:30 AM
Break for fasting glucose read
11:40 AM
Personalizing the Approach to Fasting: Regimens for Patient Success
James LaValle, RPh, CCN, MT, DHM, DHPh YouTube
12:40 PM
Break for fasting glucose read
12:45 PM
2:15 PM
Expert Panel Q&A for morning session
Osama Hamdy, MD, PhD
Kurt Hong, MD, PhD
James LaValle, RPh, CCN, MT, DHM, DHPh
3:15 PM
Integrating the Fasting Mimicking Diet into Your Clinical Business - Non-CME
Cheng Ruan, MD
3:45 PM
4:15 PM
Patient Education and Support - Non-CME
Cheng Ruan, MD
Peyton Weems, PhD
4:45 PM
Expert Panel Q&A - Non-CMD
Osama Hamdy, MD, PhD
Kurt Hong, MD, PhD
James LaValle, RPh, CCN, MT, DHM, DHPh
Cheng Ruan, MD
Peyton Weems, PhD YouTube
5:45 PM
End of Session
6:15 pm
NON-CME Evening Workshops
Treating Adult Hormone Deficiency 
Dr. Lewis Clarke M.D. PhD
Sponsored by University Compounding Pharmacy
Atlantic BR 1
Optimizing Gut-Brain Health Through Integrative Medicine, Patient Education, and Innovative Technology 
Dr. Holly Lucille, ND
Sponsored by: Emerson Ecologics: A Fullscript Company
Regency BR 1


The National Fasting Summit: Bridging the Gap from Fasting Innovation to Practice - A Certification Program

Hotel Information

Diplomat Beach Resort Hollywood

Diplomat Beach
Resort Hollywood,

Curio Collectio by Hilton

3555 S Ocean Dr, Hollywood, FL 33019
Phone: (954) 602-6000

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