Robert Brookman, DO, FAARFM, ABAARM

Anti-Aging Health Institute
740 South Columbus Blvd. #35 , Philadelphia,
PA 19147, US
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ABAARM Certification

FAARFM Fellowship


Dr. Brookman is board certified in internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, and Antiaging / Regenerative and Functional Medicine. He practiced Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care Medicine for approximately thirty years in the state of Michigan. His practice was predominantly hospital based where the majority of his patients were critically ill, many on life support and in the Intensive Care Units.

Overtime, however, he came to realize that this approach to medicine did not make a lot of sense. The practice of modern Western Medicine waits for the "product" (patient) to break and then tries to fix it with approaches that mask the symptoms, but never really fix the underlying problems. This way of practicing is costly, inefficient and overall leads to poor long term results. In the summer of 1999 Dr. Brookman attended his first Antiaging/Regenerative and Functional Medicine Conference. He was enthralled by their data and approach to medicine. He also was depressed following this conference because the specialists in this new field of medicine were talking about an approach to health care that he knew very little about, i.e., how to keep people healthy and how to return patients to the vitality phase of life. Since 1999, Dr. Brookman has completed a fellowship training program in Antiaging/Regenerative and Functional Medicine under the auspices of the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine. He is again in love with medicine and enjoying practicing more than ever. Dr. Brookman currently resides and practices medicine in Philadelphia, Georgia and Kauai.

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