Michael Green, MD, FAARM, ABAARM

4955 North Hamilton Ave , Chicago,
IL 60625, US
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Membership and Certifications

A4M Membership

ABAARM Certification

FAARFM Fellowship

   LightCare Medical Spa is Chicago's premier location for aesthetic medicine and anti-aging therapies, with a balance between a holistic philosophy and modern medical technology. On your initial consultation, you'll meet Dr. Michael Green. He founded LightCare Medical Spa on the premise of friendly, personalized service, so you are assured that recommendations are right for you. Schedule a consultation or sign up for the LightCare Newsletter, "Share The Health," for healthy practical information and to stay up to date with events at the Spa.
Anti-Aging Therapies for Healthy Living Combining the best of medical science with a holistic (mind/body/spirit) approach, we aim to provide an individualized health program for healthy aging, as well as the prevention and treatment of disease. At your initial visit, you will have a whole health evaluation, with a medical needs assessment, and the development of a prescription strategy to move towards living as healthy as possible. Your customized "Total Health" program will include a nutrition plan, as well as vitamins and supplements. It may also include bio-identical hormone balance, stress relief techniques and cutting edge testing of which most doctors are not even aware. You will get the caring and understanding attention of Dr. Michael Green, your personal Health Coach on your journey to total health. Aesthetic Medicine at the LightCare Medical Spa The spa provides a wide variety of services at our conveniently located new facility at 2834 N. Halsted in the heart of Chicago's own, Lincoln Park. We are committed to delivering our services in a relaxed, private environment that accommodates each clients' unique needs. LightCare Medical Spa also believes in learning as the best therapy and offers ongoing educational skincare and lifestyle enhancement programs throughout the year.
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