Mercedes Montealegre, MD, ABAARM

Doctor Mercedes @ Westchase
12171 West Linebaugh Avenue , Tampa,
FL 33626, US
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Mercedes Montealegre M.D. graduated magna cum laude from USF. She went on to complete her medical degree at the USF College of Medicine. Her residency was done through USF at Morton Plant. She received additional training in nutrition, weight loss and rejuvenation at Pritikin Longevity Center. The focus of her practice is on Preventive and Esthetic Medicine.

Dr. Mercedes’s research on weight loss and nutrition has been published in medical journals. She has won awards from the American Heart Association and the Florida Academy of Family Practitioners.

Her philosophy is rooted in her own success in overcoming the challenges she has faced. Even though she dropped out of school at the age of 16, she had a successful career in insurance and real state. At the age of 32, while in college she recognized her true calling and went to pursue a medical degree. Another great challenge was her weight. She’s only 5 feet tall yet at one time wore a size 22 dress. Today she maintains her 70 plus pound weight loss by applying the same methods she uses to help her patients achieve their weight loss.

What makes Dr. Mercedes Unique?

Dr. Mercedes enjoys helping her patients achieve their ultimate potential, both mentally and physically, with her expertise and one on one personalized care. Dr. Mercedes can guide you to successfully change your lifestyle and obtain inner and outer beauty.

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