Event Schedule
Thursday 19th July 2018
8h45-10h30: Safe thyroid therapy: All you need to know
Learn how to detect thyroid deficiency (with information on its high frequency)
Getting informed on the scientific studies that show the relationships between thyroid deficiency and clinical findings and disease
Learn how to correct thyroid deficiency with thyroid treatment (T4, T3, or T3-T4 combinations) in your office: doses, route of administration, etc.
Practical tips to improve the efficacy and tolerance of thyroid treatment
Patient cases
11h-12h45: Safe testosterone therapy in men: All you need to know
Learn how to detect testosterone deficiency (with information on its high frequency)
Provide insight into the scientific studies that show the relationships between testosterone deficiency and clinical findings and disease
Learn how to correct testosterone deficiency with testosterone treatment in your office: doses, routes of administration, etc.
Practical tips to improve the efficacy and tolerance of testosterone treatment
Patient cases
14h00-15h45: Safe cortisol and aldosterone therapies: All you need to know
Learn how to detect cortisol and aldosterone deficiencies (with information on their frequency)
Getting informed on the scientific studies that show the relationships between cortisol and aldosterone deficiencies and clinical findings and disease.
How to correct cortisol and aldosterone deficiencies with glucocorticoid and fludrocortisone treatments in your office: doses, routes of administration, etc.
Practical tips to improve the efficacy and tolerance of glucocorticoid and fludrocortisone treatments
Patient cases
16h15-18h: Reversing scalp hair loss with safe hormone therapies: All you need to know
Learn to detect the hormone deficiencies that make the face age quicker
Getting informed on the scientific studies that show the relationships between hormone deficiency and facial aging
Learn how to correct the hormone deficiencies that cause the face to age quicker, to reverse facial aging in your office: doses, route of administration, etc.
Practical tips to improve the efficacy and tolerance for the corresponding hormone treatments
Patient cases
Friday 20th July 2018
8h45-10h30: Safe growth hormone therapy: All you need to know
Learn how to detect growth hormone deficiency (and its increasingly greater incidence with advancing age)
Provide an insight into the scientific studies that show the relationships between growth hormone deficiency and clinical findings and disease
Learn how to correct growth hormone deficiency with growth hormone treatment in your office: doses, route of administration, etc.
Practical tips to improve the efficacy and tolerance of growth hormone treatment
Patient cases
11h-12h45: Reversing facial aging with hormone therapies
Learn to detect the hormone deficiencies that make the face age quicker
Getting informed on the scientific studies that show the relationships between hormone deficiency and facial aging
Learn how to correct the hormone deficiencies that cause the face to age quicker, to reverse facial aging in your office: doses, route of administration, etc.
Practical tips to improve the efficacy and tolerance for the corresponding hormone treatments
14h00-15h45: Safe melatonin and DHEA therapies: All you need to know
Learn how to detect melatonin and DHEA deficiencies (with information on their frequency)
Provide insight into the scientific studies that show the relationships between melatonin and DHEA deficiencies and clinical findings and disease.
How to correct melatonin and DHEA deficiencies with melatonin and DHEA in your office: doses, routes of administration, etc.
Practical tips to improve the efficacy and tolerance for melatonin and DHEA treatments
Patient cases
16h15-18h: Getting out of depression with safe hormone therapies
Learn to detect the hormone deficiencies that trigger or aggravate depression
Getting informed on the scientific studies that show the relationships between hormone deficiencies and depression
Learn how to correct the hormone deficiencies that cause or aggravate depression with antidepressant hormone treatments in your office: Doses, route of administration, etc.
Practical tips to improve the efficacy and tolerance for the antidepressant hormone treatments
Patient cases