Arthur Zacco, DO, ABAARM

6400 Creedmoor road, suite 104, Raleigh,
NC 27613, US
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AZ Hair Restoration is located a few blocks from Apex historical downtown and conveniently near Raleigh, Research Triangle Park, Cary, Chapel Hill, and Durham. Dr. Arthur Zacco is Board Certified and founder of AZ Hair Restoration since 1996. He is a member in good standing with the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and the North Carolina Medical Society.

Born in Florida and raised in Orlando, he graduated from the University of Central Florida (UCF) in 1986 with a major in biology and a minor in chemistry. After graduating medical school from A. T. Still University of Health Services – KCOM Campus (Kirksville, MO.) in 1991, he completed his internship and residency at Genesys Regional Medical Center – FOH Campus (Flint, MI.) in 1996.

For a consultation free of cost and obligation, call 919-251-6679

Our highly-trained and very experienced staff members are hand picked from around the nation. We do not rely exclusively on local talent. We fly the best transplant technicians from around the country to assist Dr. Arthur Zacco with your procedure. Our staff is experienced at working under a stereo-microscope to produce ultra fine follicular unit grafts.
Dr. Arthur Zacco is with you every step of the way: free consultation, pre-procedure instructions, procedure, next day follow up, suture removal, 4 to 6 month follow up and 8 to 12 month follow up. We take every step to make your process enjoyable and rewarding. We get to know your goals by getting to know you as an individual and we do everything possible to help you reach your goal.

AZ Hair Restoration is driven to provide the best leading-edge technologies to our patients. We pledge the following:
AZ Hair Restoration stays at the forefront of the latest proven and beneficial advancements in hair transplantation. Today, that is Follicular Unit Transplanting technology.  At AZ Hair Restoration we perform hair transplantation using the latest follicular unit technology.  The hair emerges from your scalp in groups called follicular units (FU's).  These FU's can range from 1 to 6 hairs. We use stereomicroscopes to isolate these follicular units creating ultra fine follicular unit grafts. The single hair follicular units are placed in the frontal hair line, producing a feathered and natural appearing hairline. Follicular unit grafts containing 2 – 6 hairs are placed behind the hair line to add thickness and density. This technique creates a natural look that is virtually undetectable.

AZ Hair Restoration utilizes advanced stereo-microscopes to perform the most precise ultra fine follicular unit grafting.

AZ Hair Restoration creates a natural appearance, the desired combination of art meeting science. AZ Hair Restoration combines the best artistic and surgical skills to create a hair transplantation that is virtually undetectable.

AZ Hair Restoration will help restore your youthful appearance and confidence

1) What is hair transplantation?
Even significantly balding men and women will have relatively thick hair on the sides and back of the scalp. This is because the follicles in this region are genetically programmed to resist the usual cause of hair loss. Hair transplantation is a process in which the hair follicles and its surrounding tissue, a graft, is surgically removed from the back or sides of the scalp and transplanted where it is needed. The transplanted follicles usually survive for life and therefore the process is permanent. The transplanted tissue, or graft is your living tissue that continues to grow hair for life, requiring regular haircuts and will also gray naturally. It is your living and growing hair, surgically moved. At AZ Hair Restoration, we transplant ultra fine follicular unit grafts that produce a natural appearance that is virtually undetectable.

2) How successful is hair transplantation?
Very successful. The vast majority of transplanted grafts survive (approximately 95%) and AZ Hair Restoration is known for producing a naturally appearing transplantation that is virtually undetectable. If requested, we have patients available from all walks of life that have graciously made themselves available to talk or meet with you.

3) What is the cost of hair transplantation?
The total surface area and severity of alopecia is different from person to person. During your free consultation, Dr. Zacco will openly and honestly outline the cost and individualized plan for you. There will be no hidden costs. Financing is available for those who qualify.

4) Will I have much pain?
As with any procedure, there is some degree of discomfort. We make every effort to minimize the level of discomfort. We utilize nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”), oral, topical, and injection analgesics where needed (after the nitrous oxide has been started). Almost all patients inform us afterwards that the procedure was much less uncomfortable than they had anticipated. Some have reported that there was almost no discomfort during the procedure and no pain medication was needed after the procedure. Our injection techniques produce minimal if any discomfort. After the procedure there will be only minimal discomfort.
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