
2nd Annual Summit of Aesthetic Medicine November 23-24, 2017 - Dubai, UAE
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Course Description

Join us in Dubai for our upcoming 2nd Annual Summit of Aesthetic Medicine, taking place from November 23-24, 2017: a two-day opportunity that allows you to reaffirm your commitment to Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine, further your clinical education, and network with leading experts and educators in the field.

Marking 5 years since A4M spearheaded its postgraduate education programs in Dubai, the conference will focus on the latest research and teachings in aesthetic medicine through accredited lectures that provide up to 15 CME credits.

The sessions are developed and designed under the direction of Dr. Maria Angelo-Khattar: a leading expert in aesthetic medicine, based in Dubai. Dr. Angelo-Khattar’s extensive educational and professional experience includes lectures and sessions at several internationally renowned conferences; additionally, she has trained, guided, and mentored over 200 physicians in aesthetic medicine. Other faculty experts include a panel of 15 thought leaders, expert practitioners, researchers, and scientists—who will deliver clinical updates, emerging research, and the most recent innovations in technologies.

If you are looking to learn more about a field that will simultaneously increase revenue while enhancing patient wellness and happiness—and further differentiate yourself from commercially minded concepts and colleagues—do not delay: register today for this annual event!

Reasons To Attend:

  • World-class CME accredited program
  • Scientifically focused lectures, free of any commercial inclinations or leanings
  • The Fellowship graduation ceremony will be hosted during the meeting, offering every registered attendee a seated 3-course lunch, with the ability to network and engage with highly specialized experts

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Aesthetic Summit Fellow


Aesthetic Summit Non Fellow


Learning Objectives

  • Expand the arsenal of procedures that you practice by learning about new upcoming procedures slowly becoming major trends in medical aesthetics
  • Reaffirm your expertise with the latest clinical gold-standards in minimally invasive facial aesthetics
  • Challenge your approaches by continuing to learn from colleagues and key opinion leaders
  • Embrace a more integrative approach by being able to advise your patients on the role of hormones, genetics and nutrition in the ageing process
  • Network with leading educators passionate about fully sharing their experiences
  • Be part of a true scientific meeting entirely focused on education, science and first-hand experience

Topics presented will include:

  • Stem cell therapies in medical aesthetics: the very latest harvesting and isolation methods
  • Vulvo-vaginal rejuvenation non-invasive protocols in aesthetic gynecology
  • Non-surgical facial rejuvenation with procedures going beyond fillers and toxins
  • Advertising and social media insights` to get more traffic in your clinic
  • The invaluable role of cosmeceuticals in skin health and aging process
  • Combination treatment plans including surgical methods for advanced aging
  • Hair restoration & transplantation
  • Growth factors: Latest in regenerative medicine
  • The inside-out ageing process: the role of hormones, weight, and the gut


Opening Speech

Dr. Maria Angelo-Khattar

Session 1 – Regenerative Medicine in Aesthetics

Keynote Lecture Stem Cells: Latest Scientific Advances & Clinical Applications in Aesthetics


Regenerative aesthetics & Longevity: The role of naive stem cells, PRF, PRP and exosomes

Dr. Joe Cleaver (USA)

Growth Factors: Regenerative proprieties in wound care & future benefits

Dr. Ahmed Al Qatani (UAE)

Q&A for Session 1

Coffee Break

Session 2 – Surgeons’ perspectives in minimally invasive aesthetics

Systemic Approach For Using Dermal Fillers, A Surgeon Perspective

Dr. Rami Haidar (KSA)


Full facial contouring with dermal fillers
How to reach maximum results in rejuvenation and lifting of the face
(tear trough, cheeks, lips and jawline)

Dr. Rami Haidar (KSA)

When to revert to surgery in facial rejuvenation?

Dr. Mario Russo (UK)

Laser Neck remodeling

Dr. Pier Francesco Mancini (Italy)

Hair loss medical treatments in women: When is the surgery the definitive option?

Dr. Humayun Mohammed (Pakistan)

Q&A for Session 2

Lunch Break

Session 3 – Trends and buzzwords in aesthetics

Fat Transfer, the ultimate anti-aging procedure

Dr. Fatma Alshehri (KSA)

‘G-Shot’ and labia reshaping with dermal fillers in aesthetic gynecology

Dr. Alia Al Qassimi (UAE)

‘Peptides’ and skincare

Dr. Sarang Bani (India)

Q&A for Session 3

Coffee Break

Session 4 – Practice advertising: Effective 21st century online tools

Digital Advertising on the Google Network

How to maximize your clinic’s exposure on the world’s number 1 search engine?

Islam Bedier (UAE)

Growing your practice with a comprehensive digital marketing strategy

Facebook and Instagram: Tips and Tricks for effective advertising

Ben Khuln (Germany)

Q&A Sessions
Successful clinic owners and business experts discuss business and advertising strategy

Dr. Leila Soudah
Dr. Maria Angelo-Khattar
Ben Khuln
Islam Bedier

Session 5: Injectables – The latest insights from around the world

Collagen stimulant fillers and combination protocols in aesthetics

Dr. Jhoan Haddad (Lebanon)

My technique: BB (Beauty Balance): Lifting the face without surgery with sutures and fillers

Dr. Beatriz Beltran (Spain)

Complication Management in Dermal Fillers

Dr. Sabreen Al Zamil (Kuwait)

Coffee Break

Botulinum Toxin: Best injection techniques

Dr. Abdulla Aleisa

When to revert to surgery in facial rejuvenation?

Dr. Mario Russo (UK)

Q&A for Session 5

Fellowship Graduation Cermony & Lunch Break

Session 6 – Acne treatments: Innovative combination protocols for the aesthetic practitioner

Treatment of acne vulgaris and scarring with combined laser technologies

Dr. Maria Angelo-Khattar (UAE)

Acne vs hormones, diet, gut and genes

Dr. Leila Soudah (UAE)

Q&A for Session 6

Session 7 – Anti-Aging Medicine for the Aesthetic Patient

IV Therapy for skin health and anti-aging medicine

Dr Susan Janssens (Canada)

What you didn’t know about hormones: Aging holistically and healthily with a balanced hormone system

Dr. Leila Soudah (UAE)

Application of ozone therapy in anti-aging medicine

Dr. Hany Chidiac (Lebanon)

Coffee Break

Session 8 – Open Expert Panel

Join the open question and answer panel including discussions on:

  • Business and advertising
  • Plastic surgery
  • Anti-aging medicine
  • Minimally invasive procedures
  • Certifications and trainings


Maria Angelo-Khattar

Maria Angelo-Khattar
MD, Dermatologist - UK

Dr. Maria is lending her extensive expertise in aesthetic medicine to this event by running the scientific program and inviting key opinion leaders in the field to convene in Dubai.

An active practitioner and a recognized educator, Dr. Maria is a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine UK and clinical director of the Aesthetic Anti-Aging Fellowship program of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in Dubai. She has trained more than 300 worldwide physicians in aesthetic medicine on topics such as non-surgical facial rejuvenation and body contouring.

Dr. Khattar has published more than 30 scientific and medical papers. She has presented a multitude of lectures on a variety of subjects in the field of anti-aging and aesthetic medicine around the world, at all the leading congresses in the field.

Sharon McQuillan

Sharon McQuillan
MD, Aesthetic Specialist - USA

Topics of expertise include: Stem Cells & Aesthetic Procedures of the face and body.

Dr. McQuillan is a board certified physician who specializes in aesthetic, anti-aging, and regenerative medicine.In 2009, Dr. McQuillan forms the Ageless Regenerative Institute in conjunction with a team of experts in stem-cell therapies. This expert team has developed an approved method and protocol for the harvesting and isolation of adipose-derived stem cells for autologous transplantation.

Dr. McQuillan is scientific and teaching faculty of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in the USA and has educated thousands of medical professionals in the art and science of aesthetic and anti-aging treatments for over a decade. She lectures internationally on aesthetic and regenerative medicine for many organizations and is the medical director of The Aesthetic Fellowship.

Dr. McQuillan has been featured in Dermatology Times, Vogue, Medical Spa Report, Medesthetic magazine, The Miami Herald, The Aesthetic Guide and on Telemundo and Good Morning America.

Ahmed Al-Qatani

Ahmed Al-Qatani
Immunologist - UAE

Topics of expertise include: Stem Cells & Growth factors.

Dr. Al-Qahtani is an assistant professor at the College of medicine and health sciences at the UAE University, a National Institute of Health (NIH) scientist for numerous NIH grants for research and development. He is accredited with numerous scientific publications, patents and a longstanding member of the American Association of Immunologists. Dr. Al-Qahtani is an author of the book ‘Real World Skin Solutions, The Science of modern skincare’ and the president and founder of AQ Skin Solutions Inc. one of the world leading cosmeceutical companies in the world.

Rami Haidar
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specilaist - Saudi Arabia

Topics of expertise include: Anatomy of the face, dermal fillers, toxins, threads.

Dr Rami Haidar is an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist at Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He is also an Aesthetic Physician Specialist Part timer at Noor Cosmetic Clinics, Riyadh, Board Member of the Academy of Aesthetic Medicine & Surgery, Pakistan and Accredited Regional Trainer in Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Procedures by Sinclair, UK

Mohammad Humayun
Cosmetic, Plastic and Hair Restorative Surgeon - Pakistan

Topics of expertise include: Hair restoration surgery, Non-surgical hair restoration, Suspension threads, Dermal fillers.

Dr. Humayun Mohmand earned his medical degree from the University of Peshawar. He was College fellowship of Royal College of surgeons of Edinburgh (UK). He completed his formal training in Plastic, Re-constructive Burns and Hand Surgery From Several prestigious teaching hospitals of UK. He also received training in Microsurgery, Laser Surgery, Cosmetic Shospitals Hair Restorative Surgery.

He has done research in natural Hair Line reconstruction and his work is now widely appreciated in the world and many surgeons follow his techniques including the Doctor’s from whom he learned the technique.Dr. Humayun Mohmand is widely published in International scientific journals for his work.

Ben Khn

Ben Kühn
Online Marketing & Social Media Expert - Germany

Topics of expertise include: Google Adword campaigns for medical practices, social media tips and tricks to grow your business visibility, lead generation, campaign performance.

Mr. Kühn is a Dubai based German national leading an established multinational business highly specialized in online & social media marketing, particularly for medical businesses.

He is specialized in online related marketing topics to grow the overall business of medical practices and businesses alike by generating inquiries which result in sales and increased revenues.

Mario Russo

Mario Russo
Plastic Surgeon - Italy

Topics of expertise include: Day Surgery Mummy Makeover (Tummy tuck and Breast Uplift), Wide range of cosmetic procedures in sedation, Day case full Abdominoplasty & Non surgical treatments.

Dr. Mario Russo is an Italian born plastic surgeon qualified in plastic and reconstructive surgery. For the last ten years, Mr. Russo has lived and worked in the UK and established himself as a leading cosmetic surgeon at the forefront of his profession. Mr. Russo is committed to the advancement of cosmetic surgery skills and often travels around Europe attending specialty conferences and events

Dr Russo is specialized in all cosmetic procedures with a special interest in Breast Facial and Body Surgery.

Dr Russo has been one of the most prolific cosmetic surgeon in UK for several years and he has performed in excess of 8000 breast surgeries.

Dr Russo has also been involved in many TV programs such as Embarrassing Bodies, Cosmetic Surgery Live, My Naked Secret, Miss Naked Beauty, The Only way is Essex and many more.

Leila Soudah

Leila Soudah
Obstetrics, Gynecology & Anti aging Specilist

Topics of expertise include: Bio-Identical Hormone replacement therapy, Hormonal anti-aging therapies, weight loss programs, acne treatments.

Dr. Leila Soudah is a German Board Cerialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She received her Doctor of Medicine at Berlin University and completed her Post Graduation in Hannover University, Germany.

She has spent 20 years in Germany and 19 years in Dubai and continues to strive for excellence in her field. At present, she is the Medical Director, CEO and founder of Dr. Leila Soudah Clinic since 1998.

Dr. Leila has also become in the past few years a dynamic promulgator of the holistic and anti-aging approach of patient care, not only to women but also to men.In December 2015, she achieved post-graduation as Fellow in Metabolic and Nutrition Medicine in Las Vegas, USA.She has launched personalized weight Loss programs and designs customized anti-aging treatment plans for her patients.

Susan Janssens

Susan Janssens
BSc, ND - Canada

Dr Susan Janssens is a Canadian naturopathic doctor, Dr Susan Janssens is on a mission to promote true wellness, honouring the innate healing powers of the body while offering education and empowerment along the journey to optimum well-being. She has been in practice for over 16 years and has completed her Doctorate in Medicine at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Phoenix, Arizona and her BSc at the University of British Columbia. Dr Susan’s practice has focused on chronic diseases, neurological conditions and rejuvenation.

She has studied with numerous premier institutions, doctors and healers throughout her life, receiving a grant to research cancer at medical clinics in Russia, Germany, Ireland, Mexico and the US, where she observed some of the world’s leading doctors pioneer innovative methods and technologies in the treatment of cancer.

With such a depth of multi-faceted expertise, Dr Susan has the skills to seek the root cause of a patient’s problem and administer the most beneficial treatment plan. Neurological/mood disorders, pain, chronic disease and anti-ageing are her main focus areas, although she also loves to work with families from pregnancy to old age.

Sarang Bani

Sarang Bani
PhD - India

Topics of expertise include: Research, Biological R&D

Dr. Sarang Bani has 34 years of research experience in the field of Experimental Pharmacology, Inflammation and allied disorders, metabolic disorders, cosmeceuticals and toxicology. He has authored 150 peer -reviewed National and International publications in various areas of molecular pharmacology especially anti–inflammatory, anti- arthritic, neurodegenerative and immune-modulatory activity evaluation. He has been a part of 80+ patents and has co-authored books and reviews. He has given 56 presentations in National and International Symposiums and Conferences. He has been invited by University of Mississippi and Columbia University to share an insight on “Alternative Medicines” in the year 2007. He has spent a huge part of his career in establishing approaches to preclinical evaluation of botanicals. His core work area is applied immune-modulatory studies in connection with various metabolic & life-style disorders and anti-agei ng, by immunophenotyping and modulation of cytokine balance as a therapeutic strategy. He has been a Guide to 5 students for pursuing their PhD and more than 30 students for their dissertation thesis in biotechnology, pharmacology, medicine, microbiology etc. he is also a visiting Professor for the Department of Pharmacology, Sri Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy, Bangalore. He is a person who ardently gets absorbed in Science and his scientific credentials can be accessed on ””.

Alia Al-Qassimi

Topics of expertise include: Cosmetic Gynecology.

Dr. Alia AlQassimi, Ob-gyn is Internationally certified in mastering innovative surgical and non-surgical Rejuvenative Aesthetic Gynaecology services (including labiaplasty, clitoral hood lifting and paraneoplasty, including laser bleaching…etc) from the European Society of Aesthetic Gynaecology (ESAG). These innovative modern procedures are painless and are aimed at altering and enhancing the Intimate area appearance, sexual gratification enhancement and repair the relaxed vulva/vaginal wall with effective surgical methods with minimal downtime.

Dr. AlQassimi thrives on empowering women and raise their confidence, seeking to provide the best evidence based modern innovative techniques remains the main driver of her interest in this niche specialty; she is the first Emirati gynaecologist to gain senior membership in ESAG and be appointed Internationally in the Scientific Committee for the ESAG World Congress 2017 due to take place in Madrid- Spain mid year.

She joined Dubai Al Garhoud Private Hospital in 2015 with more than 15 years of experience at Dubai Health Authority, where she worked at various healthcare government facilities including Latifa Hospital (JCI-Accredited), a tertiary maternity center of excellence which conducts more than 7,500 birth deliveries per year. At Latifa hospital, Dr. Alia headed the Obstetrics & Gynaecology (ObGyn) Emergency Department in charge of providing acute care for patients. She also led many clinical excellence and service enhancement programmes, including establishing up-to-date evidence-based guidelines and protocols for the hospital, benchmarking against international standards for Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Islam Bedier
Digital Advertising Specialist - UAE

Mr Islam is working directly out of Google Dubai offices advising partners on the use of digital advertising campaigns with Adwords. His expertise in lead generation helps his clients in delivering revenue growth and excellent customer experience. His specific experience lies in defining strategic direction for businesses, identifying new growth opportunities or operational improvement and expanding commercial & operational capabilities.

Sabreen Al Zamil

Sabreen Al Zamil
Plastic Surgeon - Kuwait

Topics of expertise include: Aesthetic Surgery.

Beatriz Beltran

Beatriz Beltran
Aesthetic Medicine - Spain

Topics of expertise include: Suspension Threads for Skin Tightening.

Jhoan Haddad

Jhoan Haddad
Aesthetic Specilaist - Lebanon

Abdullah Al Eisa
Dermatologist - Saudi Arabia

Topics of expertise include: Facial Aesthetics in Dermatology.

Joe Cleaver
Anti-Aging Specialist - USA

Topics of expertise include: Regenerative Medicine.

Pier Mancini
Plastic Surgeon - Italy

Graduation Ceremony

The event will include an exclusive graduation ceremony, hosted on Friday, November 24 at 1pm. The ceremony is open to all attendees and includes a premium 3-course seated lunch. The event will honor the regional and worldwide physicians who have completed the Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine through our program.

If you are a Fellow and would like to receive further details about your graduation status, or to RSVP your attendance to the ceremony, please contact Chanel Griffiths at [email protected].

Accreditation Information

Travel Tips

An inclusive package with 2 hotel nights at the conference venue is also available at an additional cost of $300.

2nd Annual Summit of Aesthetic Medicine

Movenpick Hotel Dubai

919th Street, Oud Metha Area
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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