Teneika Gravely, ANCC

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Teneika A. Gravely, FNP-BC, is a distinguished Family Nurse Practitioner with a comprehensive background in critical care nursing. She embarked on her educational journey at Trocaire College, where she earned an Associate of Science in Nursing and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Furthering her professional development, Gravely obtained a Master's degree in Family Nurse Practitioner from D'Youville College. Boasting over ten years of experience in critical care nursing, Gravely has honed her skills in handling complex healthcare situations with precision and care. Her passion for holistic healthcare led her to found TAG Family NP LLC, a telehealth company. This venture focuses on functional medicine and specializes in areas such as men's and women's health, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and integrative weight loss methods. Gravely is committed to identifying and treating the underlying causes of health issues, rather than just alleviating symptoms. In her personal life, Gravely is a devoted mother to three children—Shawn (23), Sydney (21), and Sara (18)—and enjoys spending time with them. Additionally, she has a passion for travel and has explored a variety of destinations worldwide, including France, Italy, Spain, Bali, Costa Rica, Malta, Trinidad, Barbados, the Virgin Islands, and many others. Her experiences abroad complement her holistic view of health and wellness, both professionally and personally.

  • Bio-Identical Hormone Compounding
  • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy/ BHRT
  • Health Optimization
  • Low Testosterone, Diminished Sex Drive
  • Nutrient Deficiency Evaluations
  • Nutritional Supplements
  • Peptide Therapy
  • Peptides
  • Sexual Health
  • Weight Management
  • Women's Health
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