Dr. Tanya Destang-Beaubrun, MD, ABAARM, FAAMFM

Satya Integrative Medical Services
Gros-Islet 00000, LC
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FAAMFM fellowship

A4M Membership

ABAARM Certification


As the creator of the Body Joy® Method, Dr. Tanya Beaubrun empowers people with her simple, yet powerful message: Take exquisite care of yourself, respect the choices you make, and tune into healing from the inside out. Tanya’s passionate about bringing the heart and soul back into the practice of Medicine.A Family Physician specializing in Functional and Integrative Medicine, as well as a certified Wellness & Lifestyle Empowerment Coach, Motivational Speaker and Author, she has dedicated her career to helping people feel their best in their bodies so they can live happy and healthy lives and rediscover their Body Joy.A graduate of the University of the West Indies, she has spent most of her career in Private Practice, and advocates a holistic approach to well-being, incorporating mind, body, spirit practices so people can connect more deeply to themselves and their truth.She holds an Honors Degree in Alternative Medicine and is Board Certified in Functional, Anti-Aging, and Regenerative Medicine. She is a certified Reiki Master, and has obtained an Integrative Health Coaching Certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), as well as a certification under Gabrielle Bernstein’s Levels 1 and 2 Spirit Junkie Master Class.Tanya has been featured in The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Dr. Lissa Rankin’s Owning Pink website, as well as several popular podcasts, including EOFire with John Lee Dumas. She is the author of the Amazon Bestseller, Of Bubbles, Buddha and Butterflies. With her unique blend of Western medicine, Lifestyle coaching, and Integrative health, she’s distinguished herself as a Women’s Wellness Warrior; with a dream of starting a movement geared towards empowering women to lead full, vibrant and authentic lives.Despite all this, she feels her most important role has been as a wife and mother of 3.

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