Dr. Steven Mills, MD, FAAMM, ABAARM, CFMP

The Mills Institute
5170 Golden Foothill Pkwy , El Dorado Hills,
CA 95762, US
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FAAMM Fellowship

A4M Membership


Dr. Mills is a "Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner®" (CFMP®) and offers Adrenal Care, Men's Hormone Management, Women's Hormone Management, and Functional Primary Care for your overall health and wellness.

From the beginning of his career, he knew there was more to medicine than just the treatment of diseases! Medicine needed to be about PREVENTION! This was/is not possible in the current medical model of seeing patients every 10 to 15 minutes and doling out more and more medication. there seems to be a medicine for every ailment and even medicines to treat the side effects of other medicines. This thought process and system of health care delivery are backward.

Dr. Mills and The Mills Institute are dedicated to providing personalized preventative medical care that focuses on the whole person in a time frame that is not governed by a ticking stopwatch. Tell us your life story!

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