Shannon Finks, PharmD

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TN 38117, US
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Dr. Shannon Finks, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, BCCP, AHSCP-CHC is Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science at the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy in Memphis, Tennessee.  She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from The University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy in 1998 and completed a pharmacy practice residency at Methodist Hospitals of Memphis in 1999.   She has practiced and taught in private hospitals, Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals, and academic institutions in the area of cardiovascular and other drug therapy for over two decades.  She is a Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and has Board of Pharmaceutical Specialty Certifications in Pharmacotherapy and Cardiology and is currently on the Board of Regents for the American College of Clinical Pharmacy .  She has additional training in Applied Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenomics and is a Certified Hypertension Clinician by the American Society of Hypertension. 

 Dr. Finks is well published in the medical literature and has provided over 150 invited lectures on numerous cardiovascular related topics to health care professionals on a local, regional, and national platforms. She is national faculty for two of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s Board Certification Courses and frequently presents continuing education for pharmacists on a national scale.  Dr. Finks has received multiple prestigious teaching awards, and has authored over 40 peer-reviewed papers in medical and pharmacy journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine.   In 2020 alongside her physician husband, Dr. Finks opened a concierge medicine practice Züp Medical Services, LLC where she serves as President and Director of Clinical Pharmacy Services and currently offers comprehensive medication management and pharmacogenomic consultations under a collaborative practice agreement.

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