Sam Fillingane, DO

Sam Fillingane, DO

Sam Fillingane, DO, is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at William Carey University, College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Fillingane is a graduate of Kansas City University, College of Osteopathic Medicine. Before joining the staff of WCUCOM, Dr. Fillingane practiced in Jackson, Mississippi, with his practice devoted to cardiovascular risk reduction.

Dr. Fillingane developed the 8 cardiovascular inflammatory disease state model over 20 years ago (now 10 disease states) that he has been teaching nationally for years. In addition to his medical practice, Dr. Fillingane was the Director of Medical Education and Medical Director of several national cardiovascular laboratories.

Dr. Fillingane hosted a nationally televised medical show entitled, “Straight To The Heart” that aired on My Family TV Network, The Retro Network, and Comcast Network, with the show seen all over the world. Dr. Fillingane regularly took patients with high-grade coronary stenosis from all over the nation and reversed the occlusive coronary disease with a very low incidence of failure (1.2 heart attacks per year during an outside group evaluation of 8 years data).

Dr. Fillingane’s passion is to see cardiovascular disease outcomes improved substantially throughout the world.