Michael Lupinacci, MD

175 Lancaster Blvd, Suite 3562, Mechanicsburg,
PA 17055, US
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Michael F. Lupinacci, M.D. is board certified in physiatry and pain management, and is the Chief Medical Officer of U.S. Physiatry. Dr. Lupinacci received his undergraduate degree magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa from Georgetown University where he also received his medical degree. He did his residency training at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston where he served as Chief Resident. He is currently the Medical Director of Encompass Rehabilitation Hospital of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania where he has been in private group practice since 1990. In this capacity, he has received several clinical excellence awards including Medical Director of the Year. Dr. Lupinacci served as Captain in Air Force Special Operations and received the Air Force Commendation Medal. He has had several major leadership roles in the American of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation culminating in his service as President of the Academy. Dr. Lupinacci currently serves as the Co-Chair for the AAPM&R Medical Leadership Institute. Dr. Lupinacci also serves an advisory role on several Academy committees and participates in resident, medical student and practicing physiatry’s clinical education, providing national, international, and regional lectureships and invited publications. He has experience in Congressional testimony and presentations to Medicare and has a particular interest in the development of Post-Acute rehabilitation healthcare delivery systems.

  • Pain Medicine
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