Loree Pinnavaia, DC

Equilibrio Health
26 Blake Lane , Scotts Valley,
CA 95066, US
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Too often, people think of “wellness” in temporary terms. They want to work with doctors and take short-term steps to improve their life… and “wellness”… but often fall back to their less healthy routines once left to fend for themselves.

After years of seeing this happen with her patients, Dr. Pinnavaia wanted to open a clinic that not only helped patients improve their gut, brain, and hormonal health and improve their overall wellness but also gave them the tools to continue their progress long after they have left the clinic and are enjoying life well into their later years.

Dr. Pinnavaia is an associate professor of Nutrition and OBGYN for Palmer Chiropractic College. She loves staying current with the latest research and applying that to improving women's health and happiness through all stages of their lives. 

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