Dr. Jeffrey Gross, MD

1661 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Suite 280, Henderson,
NV 89012, US
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You will find the stem cell whisperer finding new and exciting ways to help his patients through a concierge and precision approach to problem solving and prevention with regenerative medicine, biohacking, peptides, and strategies to slow cellular aging.  He turned down MIT to study biochemistry and molecular cell biology at Berkeley, and has post baccalaureate eduation in artificial neural networks (before AI was even cool), bio-optics, bio-computing (he solved the travelling salesman problem using DNA), electro-neural interfaces, stem cells, and more.  His current project is focussed on NK cell derived exosomes to help address solid cancers.  Polymath, inventor, bio-nerd, all wrapped into one fully trained neurosurgeon.

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