Jeff Hogrefe, RPh, FAARFM, ABAAHP

8101 Miller Farm Lane, Suite B, Dayton,
OH 45458, US
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FAARFM Fellowship

ABAAHP Certification


  Jeff Hogrefe, R.Ph. graduated in 1987 from Ohio Northern University with a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmacy, and received specialized compounding training at the Professional Compounding Center of America (PCCA) in Houston, Texas in 2004. At PCCA he was trained in both sterile and non-sterile compounding and he regularly attends continuing education seminars. In addition, Jeff has specialized training in asthma, diabetes care and complementary IV therapies. Currently he is working towards a Masters Degree in Functional Medicine and in May 2012 will receive his Fellowship in Anti-aging and Aesthetic Regenerative Medicine (F.A.A.R.M.).

  Jeff purchased the Piqua Compounding Pharmacy in 2006.  The pharmacy is best known for specializing in HBT (Hormone Balancing Therapy) for both men and women and has thousands of success stories.  Over the past three years, Jeff has invested over $250,000 in renovations to the lab including new automation software and bar code scanning to improve both accuracy and efficiency.  In 2012, the pharmacy was the first compounding lab in the world to utilize the Resodyn acoustic mixer in the preparation of compounds.  This mixer improves the accuracy 30-50 times over traditional compounding methods as well as significantly speeding up the compounding process.  Our state of the art compounding facility and staff rivals any compounding pharmacy in the Country and we are proud to be mentioned in many of Suzanne Somer's books as the compounding pharmacy of choice in Ohio.

  • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy/ BHRT
  • Cosmeceuticals
  • Nutraceuticals
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