Donald Siclari, MSc, FMNM

Intrepid Health International
3540 West Sahara Ave. Unit 199 , Las Vegas,
NV 89102, US
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FMNM Fellowship


Don Siclari is a functional medicine practitioner and expedition medic based in both the US and UK. In the UK, he is an Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP – equivalent to NP) and in the US, a critical care medic. Don’s quest to combine holistic and allopathic medicine began at a young age. In his teen years he undertook a 2 year course in Traditional Chinese Medicine including acupuncture and herbology and was certified at 17 years old. Concurrent with college, he went to paramedic school and later earned a master’s degree in advanced practice.

His dual interests in western and integrative medicine led him to complete the FMNM fellowship which he did in record time. In constant pursuit of further education,  Don’s philosophy can be boiled down to a core belief that allopathic medicine excels at emergency and acute care where eastern and integrative medicine excels at long term health and wellness. He draws on his diverse backgrounds to provide a bespoke approach to each patient.

Due to the amount of time he invests in solving complex pathologies from which some of his patients are suffering, Don takes limited complex patients but thoroughly enjoys providing treatment protocols and lifestyle advice that ultimately bring relief to patients where conventional treatments have failed. Guided by an understanding of systems biology and complexity theory, he always seeks to find the root cause of disease which is often not just physical but mental, emotional, and sometimes spiritual.

Additional Services:

Reiki; Exercise Protocols; Referrals; PCOS; IBS, IBD; Chronic Fatigue; Lack of Motivation; Depression; Anxiety; Metabolic Syndrome; Poor Diet; Menstrual Irregularities

Conditions treated:




IBS, IBD, and food sensitivities

Chronic Fatigue

Lack of motivation

Depression and anxiety

Metabolic syndrome

Poor diet 

Menstrual irregularities 

Hormone balance 

  • Acupuncture
  • Chronic Illness
  • Diagnostic Service/Laboratories
  • Exercise Protocols
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Hormone Balancing for Men and Women
  • Lab Testing
  • Nutraceuticals
  • Reiki
  • Weight Management
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