The Metabolic Institute
2204 East 29th Ave, Suite 202, Spokane,
WA 99203, US
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Membership and Certifications

A4M Membership

FAARFM Fellowship

ABAAHP Certification

The Metabolic Institute was founded by a physician and nurse with over 50 years of combined experience in health care. It is supported by an advisory board that includes physicians specializing in sports medicine, orthopedics, respiratory physiology; physical therapists; exercise physiologists; athletes; personal trainers; and representatives of the business community.

We are a clinic operated by a staff who cares about you and are dedicated to help you improve the quality of your life.  Created out of passion for optimal health and well-being, we understand and practice fundamentals of health, proper nutrition, fitness, and balance in life.  We offer these principles and more to our clients so they too can experience well-being.
At The Metabolic Institute we are able to assess your metabolic profile at rest, during exercise and through laboratory tests. Metabolism being dynamic and unique as a fingerprint, determines how your body responds in life.

Clients come to us because we care and they want to get healthy and feel better.  Athletes come to us because they want to attain their personal best by training smarter, not harder.

If you are seeking to enhance your health and/or physical performance along with balance and harmony in your life, the Metabolic Institute knows how to support you in taking the first step.

What Functional Medicine Means to You
Functional Medicine is the gentle adjustment of physiological and metabolic imbalances using natural therapies and fundamental approaches to restore harmony to the body.
Using emerging research and effective interventions, Functional Medicine treats illness and promotes wellness.

The goal of Functional Medicine is to support the body in its own healing processes by understanding a person’s genetics, environment, physiology and individuality.  These all play a part in their health of today. Disease and even symptoms are just manifestations of underlying imbalances influenced by lifestyle and past experiences.  The Metabolic Institute is dedicated to discovering the source of symptoms rather than succumbing to drug therapy. 

Functional Medicine is Upstream Medicine…

Clients come to us because we care and they want to get healthy and feel better.  Diseases don’t just happen overnight.  Long-term imbalances, left untreated, become chronic diseases; often times created from poor nutrition, lifestyle and emotional habits, which ultimately diminish the quality of your life.  Drug therapies commonly used to treat diseases become long-term band-aid approaches and at times cause problems of their own-never addressing the underlying cause of imbalance.

“Upstream medicine” explains the principles of Functional Medicine. It’s the intervention at a point where imbalances become apparent and adjustments to influencing factors and triggers, such as nutritional, exercise and lifestyle habits, are made before they create dis-ease in the body.

…We intervene upstream rather than letting you go over the falls

Your visit may be as simple as starting you on the path of understanding what your body needs for proper nutrition and exercise. Or, it may involve laboratory testing to look deeper into your physiology. Understanding metabolism is as unique as your fingerprint; we tailor programs to fit your body’s needs.

Working in partnership with you, lifestyle changes are made that allow you to be in charge of improving your health and changing the outcome of disease.
If you are seeking to enhance your health along with balance and harmony in your life, The Metabolic Institute knows how to support you in taking the first step.
The Metabolic Institute Is A Place To Come To Heal…
A4M & MMI - Call to Action!

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