Douglas Lucas, DO, FAAMM

Douglas Lucas, DO, FAAMM

Doug Lucas, DO, FAAMM is a double board-certified physician specializing in optimizing healthspan and bone health with his company Optimal Human Health MD. 7 years after completing his training at Stanford and starting his career as an orthopedic surgeon Dr. Doug left the traditional medical model to pursue a second fellowship and board certification in anti-aging and regenerative medicine and achieve the status of fellow in Anti-Aging and Metabolic Medicine. He also pursued extensive training in women's hormone optimization and replacement through the Academy of Preventive and Innovative Medicine. This functional training provided the medical groundwork to support his philosophy of patient care and to launch his telehealth practice. Dr. Doug has gone on to build a team of experts with a unique skill set to help optimize bone health through comprehensive membership based programs. The vision of creating a team environment that facilitates care through a membership-based model has come to fruition with hundreds of patients improving their energy, performance, and healthspan through hormone optimization, lifestyle modification, targeted supplementation, and more. Dr. Doug and his team create custom comprehensive plans through the lens of HealthSpan for patients with osteoporosis who want to recapture the energy, vitality, and vigor they once had all while creating a plan to reverse osteoporosis, generally without pharmaceuticals. Dr. Doug is passionate about learning and delivering groundbreaking and paradigm-shifting information to his team, patients, and followers worldwide. Through patient care, his YouTube channel and podcast The Dr Doug Show, he is committed to finding the best way to provide the information n eeded to help Aim for Optimal, Not Average and encourages all to not Be Afraid to Be Extraordinary because that's what it takes.