The microbiome wields a significant amount of influence over our health, impacting the immune system, the brain, the endocrine system, nutrient production, and more. As both a potential disease origin and the largest therapeutic center for the human body, understanding the microbiome can have significant implications on practitioners' clinical care approaches.

This two-day course will provide a comprehensive deep dive into the gut microbiome by first establishing the microbiome's connection to health and disease, examining the common environmental and genetic factors that lead to an unhealthy microbiome, and finally delivering targeted solutions to improve patients' health.


  • Discuss how the microbiome controls the immune system, the brain, the endocrine system, and the body's nutrient production – the critical cross-talk between microbe and host.
  • List how these bi-directional communications may be the root cause of illness in chronically ill patients.


The Spectacular Role of the Human Microbiome in Preventing Post-Prandial or Metabolic Endotoxemia, The Number One Cause of Mortality Worldwide
Jill Carnahan, MD
Biomes, Cross-Talk, Toxic Plums, Dysbiosis, Nares-Gut Link & Clinical Translations
D. Lindsey Berkson, DC, CNS, DACBN
Superhuman- Microbiome Connection to Health and Disease
Rodney Dietert, PhD
Exploring the Root Cause of Most Chronic Illnesses and Restoration of the Gut Microbiome (Non-CME)
Sponsored By: Microbiome
Lacey Hall, RD
Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis, Brain Function and Behaviour: New Therapeutic Opportunities
Gerard Clarke, PhD
The Gut-Brain Connection and Its Relationship to Cognition
Pamela W. Smith, MD, MPH, MS
The Gut-Skin Axis and the Role of Probiotics and Postbiotics
Raja Sivamani, MD
Hormones and the Microbiome
Pamela W. Smith, MD, MPH, MS
The Effect of Diet on the Microbiome
Marvin Singh, MD
Using Functional Foods to Enhance Health and Wellness Features of the Microbiome (Non-CME)
Sponsored By: Microbiome
Lacey Hall, RD
The Microbiome and Cardiovascular Disease
Joel Kahn, MD
The Microbiome's Control of Immune Response
Kiran Krishnan, Microbiologist
Immune Dysfunction as a Cause and Consequence of Malnutrition and the Microbiome
Jill Carnahan, MD


Unpacking the Microbiome: Complexities and Interventions for Promoting Full-Body Wellness - On-Demand