Ronnie S. Stangler, MD is an internationally recognized physician, psychiatrist,medical thought leader and innovator, currently based in New York City.
Founder of Genome Advisory, Dr. Stangler assists global families and their advisors intranslation of the new DNA sciences of genomics and epigenetics to enhance healthand longevity, mitigate risk and promote enduring family legacy. She served for over adecade as chief health and well-being officer to international families and familyoffices in London, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the Middle East.
Clinical Professor Emeritus at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciencesand former Sports Medicine Faculty at the University of Washington, Dr. Stanglermaintains a small virtual consultancy, blending traditional psychotherapy andpsychopharmacology, informed by cutting edge developments in genomics andepigenetics, longevity medicine and brain science. She brings decades of expertisedeveloped in her distinguished medical practice in Seattle, consulting with prominentexecutives, entrepreneurs, professional athletes, medical and legal professionals.
Dr. Stangler collaborates with Harvard Business School Family Office ExecutiveEducation Program, assisting in the teaching of their first case study in clinicalgenetics, “Genomics in the Family Office", which she co-authored. She served asAdvisor to Harvard Medical School, Department of Genetics, Personal GeneticsEducation Project, where she co-created a unique series of symposia: “ Genes,Technology and Incalculable Ethics: The Family Office of the Future”.
Dr. Stangler chairs the Aspen Brain Institute Scientific Advisory Council and hoststheir virtual Expert Series. She is a Founding Member of AccessCircles, a by-invitationnetwork of global womenleaders.
She is a certified consultant in the 21/64 network of the Andrea and Charles BronfmanPhilanthropies. Senior member of the examining committee of the American Board ofPsychiatry and Neurology, she was elected to the American College of Psychiatrists.Dr. Stangler was also named a Distinguished Fellow of the American PsychiatricAssociation, where she has held many national offices, including critical technology-related positions.
Dr. Stangler has contributed to multiple major media outlets, including The New YorkTimes, Seattle Times, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, National Public Radio, Forbes,Tharawat Magazine, Ageist, SuperAge: Live Better Podcast, Medium OneZero,&Simple, Committee of 200 and Horizons Family Office and Investor Magazine.