Rafael Gonzalez, PhD

Rafael Gonzalez, PhD

Rafael Gonzalez, PhD, Chief Development & Scientific Officer: TheBioBox & RESTEM

Dr. Gonzalez obtained his PhD and BS from the University of California, Irvine where he studied, and his thesis addressed interactions of the immune system following spinal cord injury. In addition to his expertise in degenerative disorders involving the spinal cord, he has extensive experience in stem cell culture and biology from various sources. He has extensive knowledge in all aspects of cell biology and health where he teaches worldwide on regenerative medicine and maintaining immune health, which is the key to longevity.

Dr Gonzalez has been in the regenerative medicine field for greater than 20 years and has several scientific publications. His present focus has been on maintaining a healthy immune system, and ways to slow down the biological clock both inside and out. He has several patents in the cell therapeutics-based field and has worked extensively on secretome/exosome stem cell products. He has taught, spoken and led many conferences nationwide in the regenerative medicine sector.