Module IV: Gastroenterology


Module IV: Gastroenterology focuses on comprehensive metabolic, functional, and nutritional approaches to gastrointestinal dysfunction and disease. Findings indicate that 70 percent of the immune system is located in the GI tract, while 90 percent of serotonin is created in the GI tract—along with other nutrients. If the gut microbiome is dysregulated or dysfunctional, the patient cannot achieve optimal health. This module explores new therapies available to enhance GI health, along with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, the gut-immune-brain connection, irritable bowel syndrome, hormones and diet, and other digestive and glandular disorders.

Upon completion of this module, the participants will:

  • Analyze the importance of the gastrointestinal tract in relation to the immune system
  • Discuss clinical cases and identify treatment options for inflammatory bowel disorders
  • Review the data on link between post-infectious IBS and SIBO
  • Review causes and treatment to small intestinal fungal overgrowth
  • Evaluate the role of diet and antibiotics in the management of gastrointestinal dysfunction
  • Discuss the benefits of pre- and probiotics, pre- and probiotic foods and fermented foods
  • Discuss the importance of microbial diversity in the gut
  • Recall common gastrointestinal and immune system complaints through the DIG-IN acronym
  • Explain how gut dysbiosis can influence both mood and cognition
  • Discuss natural interventions for GERD
  • Discuss how treating the gut is an important step in autoimmunity
  • Review common triggers to autoimmunity: infections, CIRS, environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies, stress
  • Discuss how gut inflammation can lead to brain inflammation
  • Explain GI factors that lead to development of food allergies
  • Specify how stress is intimately connected to the gastrointestinal and enteric nervous system
  • Review advanced laboratory testing options for mal-absorption, intestinal permeability, and nutritional assessment
  • Describe why it is imperative to treat H. pylori
  • List which diseases are most commonly linked to insufficient hydrochloric acid
  • Describe why Esophageal cancer incidence is increasing, even in young patients, especially due to acidic and processed diet
  • Describe what can oral contraceptives do to a genetically susceptible woman
  • Explain how testosterone is a critical part of gut immunity
  • Identify how biomes communicate
  • List how these communications may be the root cause of illness in chronically ill patients
  • Identify and describe the interface between the endocrine system, the immune system 
  • Discuss this hormone imbalance syndrome and its impact on obesity and its comorbidities, allergies, and anxiety/depression
  • Discuss connections between pesticides and growing allergy, and Immune Complex Diseases epidemic 
  • Describe the causes and conditions of celiac disease, with accompanying testing and treatment methods—including false positives & negatives that can occur with antibody testing
  • Discuss ow the gut microbiota contributes to insulin resistance, diabetes and diabetes type 3
  • Review mechanisms to improve insulin sensitivity
  • Describe the relationship between optimal gastrointestinal health and the skin disorders: acne, psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea

Join Us October 16-18, 2020 as a Live Virtual event


Module IV - Gastroenterology


Allied Health

Module IV - Gastroenterology


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Module IV - Gastroenterology


Online Allied Health

Module IV - Gastroenterology



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Here’s What Fellows Are Saying About Module IV

"Course covers in details importance of GI microbiome, hormones, diet, the gut-immune -brain connections, IBD, IBS, celiac disease."

- Anna Sagan, MD

"Learned more how the GI, immune system and CNS form a triad - treat the GI may help other disease associated with autoimmune and also mental health conditions."

- Lenard Walser

"I have already begun to discuss how some of my patient's in my pain practice may have chronic pain issues that could be improved by better gut health and improved food choices."

- Joseph Cardinale, MD

"This module has given me tools to treat the really sick patients."

- Dawn Frankwick, MD