Module II: Cardiology, headed by Mark Houston, MD, MS, FACP, ABAARM, focuses on the causes and mechanisms of hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and metabolic syndrome, in addition to how the conditions are interrelated and connected. The module will also discuss various methods of diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment, coupled with an assessment of laboratory evaluations, nutritional treatments, and lifestyle recommendations. Sessions will additionally emphasize the treatment modalities are available for hypercholesterolemia, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, along with abnormal cholesterol fractionation results through a case history format.
Upon completion of this module, the participants will:
Discuss risk factors for heart disease including elevated cholesterol, triglycerides, lipid fractionation, homocysteine, lipoprotein (a), ferritin, fibrinogen & c-reactive protein
Look at interventions for chronic endothelial inflammation, and understand the role of inflammation in CVD
Know which laboratory tests to order & how to properly evaluate insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, and risk factors for heart disease
Learn nutritional treatments and laboratory evaluations for hypertension, and discuss insulin’s role in development of hypertension with accompanying risk factors
Review diet, lifestyle, and nutraceutical options for clinically managing dyslipidemia, cardiovascular inflammation, homocysteine, insulin resistance, and related conditions
Discuss free radical production, glycation & oxidation
Learn the causes of endothelial dysfunction
Evaluate the link between oxidative stress & glycemic control
Learn about the glycemic index in relationship to foods
Identify patients with syndrome X/metabolic syndrome and learn recommendations for treatment
Establish a treatment course & treat patients with insulin resistance, diabetes & neuropathy
Learn how various nutrient deficiencies lead/support metabolic syndrome
Examine metabolic & Anti-Aging approaches to hypertension through nutrition & supplementation
Review cholesterol physiology & its contribution to atherosclerosis
Examine effective nutrition & nutritional supplementation strategies for dyslipidemia
Access the current literature on the complex physiologic relationships underlying cardiovascular metabolic disease
Examine effective nutritional strategies & nutritional supplementation for cardiovascular & metabolic disease
Learn the difference between insulin sensitivity, insulin resistance & type II diabetes
Know the counter-regulatory hormones, and how their normal functions contribute to/cause insulin resistance
Redirect the focus of the treatment of type II diabetes from the insulin perspective to the point of view of the counter-regulatory hormones
Know the consequences of increased sugar intake, and the diseases that are linked to a high sugar diet—including hypoglycemia
Learn the interplay between metabolic syndrome, psychiatric illnesses, and the role of medications
Investigate how targeted nutraceuticals can support cardiovascular function
Define toxic blood syndrome & discuss interventions to improve it
Identify the inflammatory index & how to investigate silent inflammation
Discuss the role of energy medicine in optimum health and cellular function
Learn how the new triad of bioenergetic energy in cardiac health (i.e., coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine & D-ribose, can help prevent & overcome heart disease)
Discover why ATP is so essential in optimizing diastolic function of the heart
Learn about the 20 most common toxins that are found in our everyday lives
Explore the relationship between chemical toxins, heavy metals, inflammation, and CVD
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Online Allied Health
Module II - Cardiology
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Here’s What Fellows Are Saying About Module II
"Everything that is presented in this fellowship is pertinent information to my medical practice. It has changed my thinking and more important, it has made me healthier. "
- Alex Torres, MD
"This module answered a lot of questions regarding appropriate treatment and medication selection for hypertensive patients as well as those with dyslipidemia. "
- Israel Vega, DNP
"This course educated me on the critical gap in disease management that was not available in the mainstream literature. "
- Jay Wallin, MD