Kathleen O'Neil-Smith, MD, FAARM

Kathleen O'Neil-Smith, MD, FAARM

Dr. Kathleen O’Neil-Smith, MD FAARM is a magna cum laude graduate of Boston University School of Medicine. She completed postgraduate training in pathology at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital and internal medicine at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. She is an elite athlete, mom, internal medicine trained, and now a regenerative medicine thought leader. She has a degree in exercise physiology and has been an athlete on the national rowing team for 40+ years and a coach for six years. She has worked as an office and hospital-based internist. In 2008, she shifted to Functional and Regenerative Medicine. She completed a stem cell certification through A4M and a TBI certification through AMMG (Age Management Medicine Group). She teaches internationally on Regenerative Medicine and is highly sought after to teach courses on challenging illnesses.

She has a direct access practice in Functional, Integrative, and Regenerative Internal Medicine in Boston called “Treat Wellness Prima Klasse” which reflects her core belief in excellent medicine. Dr. O’Neil-Smith is an international thought leader in the clinical use of regenerative and peptide therapies. She has extensive knowledge of regenerative medicine and personal use of peptides and stem cells in her private medical practice. She treated her only son with such therapies when told he had a severe traumatic brain injury that caused five intracranial bleeds and the prognosis was slim that he would return to normal function. He has since graduated with a math degree and works in corporate America using his math skills.

She is an innovative, creative, and very compassionate doctor. Her teaching style is approachable, friendly, and creative. She makes complex ideas simple, which is a testimony to her early career as a high school and college science teacher prior to going to medical school.

She currently resides with her family in her hometown of Boston, Massachusetts, USA.