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Bridging the Frontiers of Care

Alcat Test
The Alcat Test for food & chemical sensitivity offers your clinic:
  • Scientifically proven technology validated at Yale and other leading institutions (The only test in this category that has demonstrated High Correlation with the Gold Standard - double blind oral challenge)
  • A true functional biological response measurement
  • Broad menu of substances (500 test items)
  • Free test interpretation from licensed professionals & compliance tools available

Cell Science Systems, Corp.

Functional Laboratory Testing aimed at personalized nutrition and prevention of chronic inflammation & autoimmune disease… read more

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Food & chemical sensitivity

Identification of sensitivity (inflammation trigger) to foods, additives, colorings, chemicals, medicinal herbs and functional foods, molds and some pharmaceuticals.

Strongly science driven; independently validated; most comprehensive offering on the market with almost 500 test substances

Cellular Nutrition Assays Logo


Functional micronutrient testing

Nutrient insufficiencies

Antioxidant capacity

Individually strongly protective antioxidants

100 test items

Tests biological cell metabolism; most stable assay available on the market! Most test items, competitive price, scientific publication

Genomic Insights Logo


Lifestyle genetics specialty tests

Methyl Detox Profile

CICA (Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s Array) panel for assessing GI risk and status using genetic, cellular and serological markers for a broader perspective

Telomere Length Assessment

“Usually, neither the patients nor their physicians have suspected food allergy as the root of their problem because most food allergy, by its very nature, is masked and hidden. It is hidden from the patient, hidden from his or her family, and hidden from the medical profession in general.[...] In the case of food allergy, the source of the problem is literally in front of you, in the form of some commonly eaten substance that is bringing on and perpetuating chronic symptoms.”*

*Please note that what Dr. Randolph referred to as, “food allergies” we now call food sensitivities, or, intolerances.

►What the Alcat Test is and what it’s not?

Alcat Test

Leukocyte Activation Test using the impedance cytometry (live-cell monitoring) to identify cell changes associated with phagocytosis, degranulation, NETs, and other

INDEPENDENTLY VALIDATED by Yale University, Baylor Medical College, and about 8 other university clinics, data of more than 40 studies directly related to the Alcat Test

Download the Scientific Dossier
The Alcat Test: How it Works
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Cellular Nutrition Assay Webinar
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You’re unique. Eat like it.

Laboratory tests aimed to personalize diet and nutrition

50% evaluation test / to order test kits or supplies, click here ► Genomic Insights Logo READ MORE

Company profile Cell Science Systems

Functional Laboratory Testing aimed at personalized nutrition and prevention of chronic inflammation & autoimmune disease

Cell Science Systems (CSS) develops and performs laboratory testing in immunology, cell biology, and molecular diagnostics. CSS operates a CLIA certified laboratory and FDA registered medical device manufacturing establishment. R. Deutsch is a pioneer of food sensitivity testing with involvement in this field since 1986. CSS also operates a lab in Potsdam, Germany, providing testing in the EU and Middle East

Vertically integrated technology

CSS manufactures the instrumentation and reagents required in the Alcat Test and the micronutrient assays.

  • TÜV compliant, product / facility safety monitored
  • CE marked reagents and instruments for the international market
Awards and grants

Alcat technology has been the recipient of numerous grants by the

  • Research grants from the European Union and State of Brandenburg
  • “Company of the Year Award” for Food Intolerance Testing, North America, in 2016 by Frost & Sullivan, CSS - the only year the award was granted in that category.
  • A research grant from Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer Healthcare
Ongoing research

The Alcat technology is supported by scientific studies from universities such as Yale School of Medicine, University of Northern Illinois, Baylor Medical College, University of Camarino, University of Pavia and others

New research is currently underway at

  • Georgetown Univ. and Univ. of Leipzig that link the innate immune cell reactions to dietary and environmental factors identified by the Alcat Test with autoimmune disorders.
  • Sheba Hospital University Clinic Tel HaShomer, Israel
Bio- Roger Deutsch:

Roger Deutsch is the CEO and Founder of Cell Science Systems and PreviMedica Group, LLC, a nutrition telehealth consulting firm. He is also the CEO of Cell Science Systems, GmbH, Potsdam, Germany.

Roger is one of the modern-day pioneers of food and chemical sensitivity testing with involvement in this field since 1986. He has been responsible for the development of the Alcat Test. He is the co-author of Your Hidden Food Allergies are Making You Fat, has written numerous articles and given many lectures on the topic of food sensitivity, inflammation and aging on all continents.

Roger began his professional career as world class international oil broker, co-founding the largest and most successful firm in the world. However, he left this lucrative career in order to pursue studies in allergy and natural healing because he himself was a life-long sufferer of allergies. He was attracted to the potential of the Alcat Test when introduced to it in 1986. He then switched careers and further developed and validated the technology through collaborations with leading research institutions like Georgetown University, University of Leipzig, Sheba Hospital University Clinic, Yale School of Medicine, London University, and others.

He studied Psychology at CW Post College, Natural Sciences at SUNY Purchase and Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Int’l. College of Oriental Medicine (UK). He enjoys reading history and science, ocean swimming, and travel. Roger also became a certified teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique in 1972 and is a major donor to charities that provide free education and free hospital care to poor people in rural India.

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